Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thoughts before heading to bed.

The sleeper dreaming
Of worlds not now existing
Lives more grand than I

Well, I spent some time just browsing blogs, reading about everything from Starcraft II maps to UFC/MMA fights to having a bootable USB drive, and I must say the fact that we can share our opinions so freely with the aid of technology is one of the most amazing things about modern society.

People are now more than ever willing to reach out and connect on a variety of topics, and if we can keep from destroying ourselves, it will probably lead to a much better society.

My musings aside, I'm definitely going to make an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, even if I have to wake up, call to make the appointment, and go back to sleep. I realized tonight just how typical it is for a bipolar person to let their refills run out and not get back on their meds until they feel like they're at the end of their rope...haha

Oh well, at least I avoided doing something really stupid like torching relationships or attempting suicide. Always gotta look at the silver lining.


  1. Haha the "nintendo generation" aint much to brag about sorry :(

  2. I think we are following the same blogs. But this is pretty interesting. Hopefully we can avoid our own self destruction

  3. Always have to look on the positive side of things. The bad experiences can strengthen character.

  4. DylanF got right, play 'always look on the bright side of life' and be happy :)

  5. I don't think I've ever felt negative about my life. When you feel sad, stop being sad and be awesome instead!

  6. i only fart before da thinking

  7. Good luck with the blog :3

  8. Speaking of StarCraft 2, I should really pick that up again!

  9. That's typical of bipolar sufferers; the refusal to take medication, because it makes the highs and euphorias less intense. Just gotta stick with it man, you can do it!

  10. Actually I don't get euphoric, I just think "Well on the meds I've been doing great, I bet I can handle it this time."

    But I'm soooooo wrong.

  11. Starcraft II maps... I haven't tried out the new editor. I remember using StarEdit from original SC, and it was DIFFICULT!

  12. Yes, blogging truly is magnificent :P

  13. As long as you just look at the silver lining and don't hang yourself with it.
